

cut down on


  1. Their terse syntax for nested selectors cuts down on repeated code.

as though


stand for


rather than

But in some cases the web application may want to handle the download part itself, rather than leaving it to the browser.

from to

Tons of files get downloaded from the internet every day ranging from binary files(like applications, images, videos, and audios) to files in plain text.


  1. Get pixel color of Base64 PNG using javascript .
  2. Can you show an example using one?

What is the xxx between ... and ..

What is the difference between the equality operators == and ===?

... means ...

Triple equals (===) checks for strict equality, which means both the type and value must be the same.

Type coercion means the values are converted into the same type.

... be expensive/cheap to do ...

Components may be expensive to create.

neither ... nor ...

be independent of

...depend on ...

be used for


  1. Since setState is asynchronous, the callback function is used for any post action.

...one of the xxxx...


  1. Then he made Conking even angrier by appointing one of Conking's political enemies Collector of Taxes for the port of New York. 而后他有任命一位康克林的政敌负责纽约港的税收工作,此举更加激怒了康克林。

...the ... number of ...


  1. Create a functionn batches that returns the maximum number of whole batches that can be cooked from a recipe.
  2. The number of students is increasing.

be usually scheduled for


  • a number of people/times 一些人
  • a large number of 大量的...

is available to

On 和 Upon 的用法及其固定短语的分类

介词 on 作 “在......上面、在(某人)身上“或”朝向......“讲

这种用法十分广泛,只要合乎逻辑,一般都可用这种 on 短语。例如:

  1. What is the purpose of the alt attribute on images?
  2. There is a book on the desk. 书桌上有一本书。
  3. lay the blame on sb.归咎于某人(身上)

【注】下列句子都是“have...on sb.” 结构,其中 on sb. 均作“在某人身上”讲。

  1. Have another cup of coffee on me. 再来一杯咖啡,由我支付。
  2. If you show up again,I will have the police on you. 如果你再露面,我会让警跟踪你。

And 用法中几个值得注意的问题

一、and 连接两个动词,有时后面动词的行为是前面动词的行为对象或目的,译成汉语可以连着翻译。但有时 and 前面的部分用来表示条件

  1. Try and do it again. 再做做看。(行为对象)

and 所连接的并列关系及判别

  1. It is impossible to live in society and be independent of society. 生于社会,不能超乎(拖离)社会。(and 连接两个不定式。)

as 的主要用法和判别

五、用 as 引出宾语补语、主语补语

I. as 引出宾语补语的常用短语

We regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light. 我们把太阳看成是主要的热源和光源。

在科技文章里,常见的有下列一些“动词(或短语动词)+ 名词(或代词)+ as + 宾语补语”这样的结构:

to accept...as 把......承认为,承认......是 to define...as 把......解释为,对......下的定义是 to consider...as 把......认为是 to refer to...as 把......指为(叫做) to think of...as 把......看作 to treat...as 把......当作;以......来对待...... to describe...as 把......描述成 to regard...as 把......看成

II. as 引出的宾语补语有如下几种表示形式

A. as + 名词

  1. We usually define energy as the ability to do work. 我们通常下定义说,能是作功的本领。
  2. Use Object.keys() to return the ingredients of the recipe as an array. 使用Object.keys()以数组形式返回食谱的成分。(以... 形式返回,疑问)

III. as 引出主语补语

I. 由 as 引出另一种形式的主语补语

II. 由 as 引出另一种形式的主语补语

  1. I have come here as a manager. 我以经理的身份来到这里。
  2. What is the purpose of callback function as an argument of setState ?

IV. 由 as 引出另一种形式的主语补语

I have come here as a manager. 我以经理的身份来这里。

At 的基本含义及其搭配用法

at 用于表示地点的一个点

at Beijing Hotel 在北京饭店;at Tianjin University 在天津大学;at the office 在办公室;at London Airport 在伦敦机场。

【注1】除了 at London Airport 以外,上述其余举例中都可用介词 in 代替 at。只是用 in 时,侧重表示在某一封闭的范围内。 【注2】到达大城市上海用 arrive in Shanghai,而到达小地方廊坊镇则用 arrive at Langfang。其理由是把小城镇看成点。 【注3】如果 at 后接某人姓的所有格或某种行业人员的所有格,就可表示某人的住处或某种行业的店铺。例如:at his uncle's 在他叔叔家;at the grocer's 在食品杂货店。

But 及其搭配关系的用法和判断

but 作“但是”讲,连接两个并列成分或两个并列句子

  1. Theory is something but practice is everything. 理论固然重要,但实践尤其重要。
  2. Callback functions are invoked later by a piece of code but can be declared on initialzation without being invoked.


Between 和 Among 的用法辩异

一、between 和 among 都是介词,都作“之间”、“中间”讲,但前者用于“两者之间”,而后者用于“三者以上中间”

  1. He will come back between one and two o'clock. 他将于1点到2点之间回来。(状语)
  2. It is due to the free motion among the molecules. 这是由于分子中间的自由运动的缘故。(后置定语)

For 的用法及其短语分类理解

for... 表示“为了......”之意时的动词短语举例

  1. act for sb. 为某人办事或代理某人办事
  2. provide for . ... 为(考试)作准备

From 的搭配用法及其短语分类理解

from 与有关动词搭配,表示“来源”时的用法举例

visit some professors from Europe 访问来自欧洲的几位教授;get(或obtain)some information from sb. 从某人那里得到一些信息;

  1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or CORS is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to grant a browser permission to access resources from a server at an origin diffrent from the website origin.

Like 的搭配用法

In 和 Into 的用法及其短语分类理解

一、介词 in 短语的用法

  1. in 用于地点、空间、某范围、方位时,介词短语或其动词短语汇总。

in the street 在街上;in here 在这里

  • Components can initiate side effects in lifecycle methods.

介词 in 表示 “在......中”,“在......方面” 时与动词搭配用法举例

  • be interested in ... 对(英语、音乐等)感兴趣;
  • be wrong in theory(某人、某事)在理论上是错的;
  • find...in the book(她)在这本书中找到或发现(某物);
  • make progress in many respects (或 ways )在许多方面取得进步
  1. How do you compare two objects in JavaScript?

To 的搭配用法及其分类理解

介词 to 的短语和有关动词搭配时表示目的、原因和结果的用法举例

  1. They have never one-sidely emphasized one to the denial of the other. 他们从未片面地强调一方面而导致否定另一方面。
  2. n + to do sth(后置定语)

They gives the developer more power to generate complex CSS. 它们为开发人员提供了生成复杂 CSS 的更多能力。

五、介词 to 和有关动词搭配时作 “对......” 或 “向......” 讲举例

appeal to... 向(法院即 the court),诉诸(法律即 the law 或武力即 force)

What 的用法和判别

一、what 作“什么”、“什么东西(或)事情”、“怎样的人(指职业)”等讲

  1. What is on the plate? 盘子上放着什么东西?
  2. What happened to him?他发生了什么事?
  3. What is she, a nurse or a teacher? 她是干什么的,是护士还是教师?(不能用 which 代替。)
  4. Which is your teacher, she or he? 哪一个是你的老师,是她还是他?(不能用 what 代替,因为本句不是提问她的职业是什么。)

二、what 作 “什么的”、“什么样的” 讲,后面直接接名词单复数均可

What computers have you ever used? 你使用过什么样的计算机?

With 的各种搭配用法及分类理解


Get away with yours son. 带着你的儿子走。 A pending promise can either be fulfilled with a value,or rejected with a reason (error).

“with + 介词宾语 + 宾语补(足)语”结构用于说明附带情况或交代细节举例。注意其中宾语补足语可以用现在分词或其短语、过去分词或其短语、副词、形容词、介词或不定式短语形式出现。

  1. With the temperature being constant, the volume changes with the pressure. 当温度保持恒定不变时,体积随压强而变。
  2. With this technique, prototypes are ignored.

Whose 的用法

引导定语从句的 whose 作“他的”、“她的”和“他们的”讲,而该从句修饰前面表示人的名词或词组

  1. The students whose exercise-books I showed you yesterday will be here soon. 昨天我给你看过练习本的那些学生,很快就要到这里来。(限制性定语从句)

  2. A stateless component is a component whose behavior does not depend on its state.

When 的用法和判别

When 引导时间状语从句

When water becomes solid, we call it ice. 当水变成固体时,我们把它叫做冰。 【注1】注意 when 后用完成时,when 含义相当于 after。若 when 后用一般过去时,而主句用过去完成时,when 含义相当于 before。例如:

  1. When (=After)he had sold all the newspapers, he went home. 他卖完报纸后就回家去了。(若使用 After 时,则后面也可用过去一般时 sold,因 after 词义已表明动作先后了。)
  2. The callback function is invoked when setState has finished and the component gets rendered.
  3. He had been salesman when(或 before)he was told to be a teacher. 叫他当教师之前,他当过营业员。

while 的用法

用 while 表示同时存在的两种事物的对比,引出并列分句,有时甚至是两个独立分词结构。

  1. Some substances are soluble, while others are not. 有些物质是可溶的,而有些不是。
  2. Some experiments are difficult while others are easy. 有些实验是难的,而其他一些实验是容易的。
  3. It accepts two objects as argument: the first object is recipe for the food, while the second object is the available ingredients. 【注】while 引出的并列分句在后面时,while 前一般打逗号,但也有不打逗号的,如上面第二句。

Which 的用法和判断

which 作关系代词用,专指事物而言。

which 用于限制性定语从句中:

  1. The door of which you lost the key cannot be opened. 你丢失钥匙的那扇门开不了。




The earth revolves around the sun. 地球围着太阳转。











  • 虽然,但是
  • 不过


  • 完全
  1. I don't alogther agree with you.


conj. 因为;由于;既然;从...以后 adv. 以后;后来;自...以后;从...以来 prep. 自...以后;从...以来;(表示气愤)何曾

  1. Since time has such different meaning in different cultures, communication if often difficult. 因为时间对于不同文化背景的人有如此多的不同的意义,相互间的交流常常会很困难。



  • mutation


adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的


n. 等值;同义词;当量;同期地层 adj. 等价的;同等的;同意义的 to be equivalent to sth. 相当于某事物

  1. Create a standalone function bind that is functionally equivalent to the method Function.prototype.bind.


adj. 常见的;通常的;普遍的;共有的 n. 公共用地;公地;(学校、大学等的)学生公共食堂


Last Updated: 12/29/2019, 4:22:59 PM